Cranfield Page Index
The following pages are designed to give a brief history of some aspects of the community of Cranfield. They are certainly not intended to be exhaustive and more work could be done, for example, on the interesting buildings with reference to census returns, electoral registers and name searches for owners and/or occupiers amongst our other archives, or on churches with reference to the parish records. We hope that reading these pages will encourage you to do more research of your own.
The pages draw heavily on a booklet previously published in 1986 by the former County Planning Department of Bedfordshire County Council in their series Bedfordshire Parish Surveys: Historic Landscape and Archaeology as volume No. 5, Cranfield (ISBN 0 907041 68 X). The current copyright owners of this booklet, Central Bedfordshire Council, and the original author, Stephen R. Coleman, have given express permission to the authors of these community pages to reproduce freely from the original. We have also been given access to material held in the Council’s Historic Environment Record (HER) which has added significantly to our knowledge base. We are extremely grateful to them for this: it has made this project so much easier. (Contributed by Sally Williams)
Note: due to the wealth of material relating to the village of Cranfield, these pages are being written in sections and additional pages will be added over time.
The Parish of Cranfield in General
Timeline of Events in Cranfield
Cranfield in Prehistory
Cranfield in the Romano-British Era
Cranfield in the Anglo-Saxon Era
Ailwyn the Black
Cranfield after the Norman Conquest
The Holy Well
The Black Death in Cranfield
The 1671 Hearth Tax
Migration from Cranfield
The Mills of Cranfield
Cranfield Landscape
Cranfield's Greens
The Moats of Cranfield
Wood End Settlement
Pre-Enclosure Landscape
Enclosure and the 19th Century Landscape
Cranfield Manors
Cranfield Manor and Grange
The Manor of Washingleys
The Manor of Redlands
Parish Church of St. Peter and St. Paul
Brotherhood of Corpus Christi
Cranfield Baptist Church (East End)
Mount Zion Baptist Church
Cranfield Methodist Church
Quakers in Cranfield
Cranfield University and Airport
Interesting Buildings
Cranfield Court
The Goodman Almshouses
The Hartwell Almshouses