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29 and 31 High Street Clapham

29 and 31 High Street March 2017
29 and 31 High Street, March 2017

29 and 31 High Street are 18th century houses. The historic Environment Record for Bedfordshire [HER 9113] states that they are timber-framed buildings re-fronted in brick in the 19th century. They have concrete tile roofs and comprise one storey with attics.

The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the properties [ref: DV1/C276/28-29] found that 29 High Street was owned by Mrs Frith and occupied by E Wilson, whose rent of seven shillings per week had been set in 1920. The house contained two living rooms, a kitchen, scullery and two bedrooms. Outside was a barn and a “goodish” garden.

Number 31 was owned and occupied by G Frith and had two living rooms, a scullery and two bedrooms with barn and “good” garden. The valuer commented: “Beautiful yew in front garden”.