Surviving Cottages in Sheep Lane

Sheep Lane looking north March 2008
Most of the 19th century cottages in Sheep Lane were pulled down in the latter part of the 20th century. Some, however, Numbers 13 to 15 Sheep Lane, survive, albeit greatly altered in form. The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting 13 and 14 Sheep Lane [DV1/C132/3-4 and pictured above] found both cottages owned by the Duke of Bedford’s London and Devon Estates Company.
Number 13 was occupied by Alfred Bowles whose rent was three shillings per week for a living room and a parlour downstairs and two bedrooms above. An earth closet stood outside.
Number 14 was in the occupation of G. Stanaford whose rent was paid quarterly being 15/2. Accommodation was identical to next door. Water for both properties came from a pump down thee road.
The valuer visiting 15 Sheep Lane [DV1/C132/6 and pictured below] found it owned by the Duke of Bedford’s London and Devon Estates Company and inhabited by J. Clarke, whose rent was a shilling per week. Accommodation in the brick and slate house comprised a living room and a kitchen downstairs. Upstairs were two bedrooms. Outside was an earth closet.

15 Sheep Lane March 2008