Knotting Fox Cottage
![Knotting Fox Cottages in 1922 [Z1246/1]](/CommunityHistories/Knotting/KnottingImages/Knotting-Fox-Cottages-in-1922-Z1246-1350x223.jpg)
Knotting Fox Cottages in 1922 [Z1246/1]
Knotting Fox Cottage was formerly a pair, built by Lord of the Manor the Duke of Bedford in 1849. They are typical Bedford Estates dwellings.
By 1922 the cottage formed part of the Colworth Estate, owned by the Magniac family, which was put up for sale by auction in that year. The sale particulars [Z1246/1] describe it as “a brick-built cottage at present occupied by an Estate Keeper on a Service Tenancy (formerly in two tenements) and containing three Bedrooms, two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen and Scullery, with Pantry and Wood Shed”. The cottage was in the same lot as Sheeprack Wood, which extended over 58.504 acres. The whole estate was withdrawn as not sold and offered again in 1924 [Z1323/1/4].
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the cottage [DV1/C1/33] found that it was owned by F Parsons and occupied by E J Whiteman, whose rent, set in 1925, was ten shillings per week (“Oh!” the valuer has remarked next to the figure).
The valuer noted “Was a pair”. The property comprised two parlours, a living room, kitchen, two porches and four bedrooms. Two barns and two earth closets stood outside. The valuer noted: “Water from pump inside”. He also noted: “Stands by itself, very isolated. Could be a weekend place” His further comment was: “Nice”.