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Home > Fees, Charges and Reproduction > Policy on Photography

Policy on Photography

Archives Service users are welcome to bring in their own cameras to photograph illustrations and documents provided that:

  • They ask searchroom staff before taking any photographs so that staff may advise them of any restrictions and obtain and fill out a copying request form
  • The photography is for private use only and not for publication. If commercial photography is desired see our scale of charges for Reproduction Fees.
  • The permission of the owner of the material (if not the Archives Service) is obtained prior to photography when necessary.
  • The well-being of the document or illustration is not jeopardised by the photographic process used.
  • The user determines that the lighting and Archives Service facilities are suitable for the purpose. Flash photography is not permitted. Space is restricted, particularly when the searchroom is busy. Therefore tripods are allowed at the discretion of searchroom staff.
  • There is a copy stand and lighting set, which must be booked in advance. Documents may not be removed from the searchroom unless the user has booked to use the copy stand and is accompanied by a member of staff. We reserve the right to charge for staff time spent monitoring its use by visitors.
  • The photography does not disrupt other users of the searchroom.
  • If you consider the images taken to be of a quality that may be useful to the service, the offer of a set of duplicate negatives, prints, or TIFF files would be appreciated.

Charge for using your camera in the searchroom 

Please see our scale of charges for photography