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Medieval Death in Northill

Volume 41 produced by Bedfordshire Historical Records Society in 1961 is devoted to 13th and 14th century coroner's rolls for Bedfordshire from the National Archives, edited and translated by R. F. Hunnisett.

Entry 165 reads: "On 1st January [1274] Emma of Hatch came from Beeston where she had been begging bread from door to door and towards vespers she returned towards Beeston to seek lodging. She came to a piece of cultivated land called "Pokebrokeforling" in Northill, was seized by the cold and died by misadventure. Ranulph le Cras came towards Northill, found her dead, raised the hue in Northill and found pledges, Robert le Helde and Robert Pertessuyl of Beeston".