The Bell Public House Upper Gravenhurst
Chestnut Tree House February 2016
The Bell Public House: High Street, Upper Gravenhurst
The Bell was a longstanding alehouse in Upper Gravenhurst. We know that it was in business by at least 1774 [L6/318] when an agreement was drawn up to sell the next-door cottage.
Henry Hare was the landlord for a number of years and we know that he died in 1846 [GK57/2]. His wife and his son, also Henry then ran the business until at least 1869, the last reference to a beerseller in Upper Gravenhurst called Henry Hare. By the time of the countywide licensing register of 1876 only the Red Lion and Green Dragon are licensed premises in Gravenhurst.
A postcard [makes it clear that the Bell operated from the 16th century property today called Chestnut Tree House [Z760/1/4].
- CLP13: Register of alehouse licences: 1822 - 1828
List of Licensees: note that this is not a complete list; entries in italics refer to licensees where either beginning or end, or both, dates are not known:
- 1822-1846: Henry Hare;
- 1847: Ann Hare;
- 1853-1869: Henry Hare, farmer.