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Manor Farm Tingrith

The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the farm found that, like most of the village, it was owned by S Hubbard. The tenant, E Sabey, paid rent of £355 per annum. Visiting in the morning of 2nd December 1926 the valuer commented: “Market Luton. Station Harlington. Saw Mr Sabey’s housekeeper how [sic] said the farm land was very wet”.

The farmhouse comprised three reception rooms, a kitchen and parlour downstairs with six bedrooms upstairs. A store barn and an earth closet stood outside. Water came from a well in the yard.

The homestead was in four blocks as follows:

  • west: wood and tiled three-bay cart shed; barn with cement floor and brick and tiled loose box;
  • north: brick, wood and tiled stable for six with chaff house, harness room and granary; brick and tiled trap house, loose box and one-bay cart shed; wood and tiled chaff house, three small henhouses, barn with a brick floor and small three horsepower oil engine, two loose boxes and a cow house for six;
  • east: brick, wood and tiled loose box with feeding passage, cow house for twelve with feeding passage, six-bay open shed, two loose boxes, four pigsties and food store and store barn;
  • rickyard: brick, wood and tiled six-bay cart shed, three-bay open shed, henhouse, seven-bay open shed and cowhouse used as a hay barn.

List of sources at Bedfordshire Archives:

  • R4/746/6: Particular of farm 1801
  • Z720/279/3: Occupied by John Cooper 1904
  • Z720/1/28: Sale particulars 1918
  • Li/SA2/25: Letter from Tingrith Training Centre Committee associated with the Agricultural Committee of the Council for German Jewry, Manor Farm, Tingrith, requesting literature in English and German 18 Jul 1939