107 to 109 Mill Road Stanford

107 to 109 Mill Road, March 2008
107 to 109 Mill Road were listed by the former Department of Environment as Grade II, of special interest. The department considered them to be 17th century in origin and at one time to all have been one house. The building is colour-washed rough-cast over a timber frame with a clay tile roof.
In 1927 Stanford was valued under the Rating Valuation Act 1925; every piece of land and building in the country was assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. The valuer visiting 107 to 109 Mill Road [ref: DV1/C152/23-25] noted that they were owned by the Whitbread Estate. Number 107 was tenanted by A.Lockey and consisted of a living room, kitchen and "big" bedroom ["could be 2 bedrooms"] with a barn outside; the property was rented for 3/- per week.
Number 108 was tenanted by F.Gray, paying 1/6 per week. It comprised a living room, a kitchen and two bedrooms, again with a barn outside. The valuer noted: "Dormer at rear". Number 109 was in the occupation of A.Gray, paying 3/6 per week. It comprised a living room, kitchen and two bedrooms and, again had a barn outside and a dormer at the rear.