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Wesleyan Methodists in Hougthon Regis

A Wesleyan chapel was built at Cumberland Street in 1854. It was replaced by a new chapel on a different site in 1949. The chapel closed in 1979. The church Circuit was Dunstable.

Ecclesiastical Census

On Sunday 30th March 1851 a census of all churches, chapels and preaching-houses of every denomination was undertaken in England and Wales. The local results were published by Bedfordshire Historical Records Society in 1975 as Volume 54, edited by D. W. Bushby. The return for Houghton Regis Wesleyan Methodist church noted the following pieces of information:

  • The church had 320 sittings (200 free, 120 other).
  • The general congregation had been 20 in the morning, 70 in the afternoon, 85 in the evening

Sunday scholars had been 50 in the morning, 52 in the afternoon and 40 in the evening