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Welcome to Bedford Borough Council

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Visit Us


Opening Hours 


We are open to visitors on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, with separate morning and afternoon sessions. 

Morning session:   9.30am to 1.00pm

Afternoon session: 2.00pm to 4.30pm

Please note that we are CLOSED on Thursdays, weekends and all English bank holidays. 

How to Book a Visit

Visiting our research room is by appointment only so please ring us on 01234 228833 or email us at, telling us when you wish to visit, what you wish to research and the document references you wish to see which can be found by searching our catalogues via the link below. Over 97% of our catalogue listings can be found there.

Catalogues Search Button

We hope to be able to accommodate your visit on your preferred day but may have to advise you that we are better able to meet your needs on another day.  When you visit staff are on hand to help and advise you. 


How to Find Us

We are in the Riverside Building at Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP. Access is via a pedestrian footbridge from Prebend Street.  

Maps showing our location and information about public transport and parking can be found here.

To access our building please use the intercom just to the left of the glass entrance doors on the first floor.  Press the button labelled 'Archives' and it will connect you to one of our staff, who will let you in. 

You may wish to bring a mobile phone with you to telephone us on (01234) 228530 if you have any problems accessing our building. 


We do not usually request identification from our visitors, but please be aware that due to Data Protection regulations it may be required in order to consult certain records.   

Depositing Archives

Depositing archives takes at least half an hour, please make an appointment and ensure that you have allowed sufficient time. Please read our guide for depositors