Services to Schools and Colleges

Bedfordshire Archives and Records Service has a great wealth of source material for teaching such subjects as: geography, art and design, English, RE and science as well as history.
From 2013-2018 the service had an HLF grant to work with schools and colleges and this project produced a number of topic and local studies packs. These are available free to schools throughout Bedfordshire. For list of available titles please click here
Now that funding for our learning officer has ended we hope to still be able to work with schools to:
- Provide packs of facsimile documents illustrating the local aspects of curricular topics - £10 per pack of digital images of documents, an additional £10 to have a hard-copy laminated pack;
- Arrange class visits to Bedfordshire Archives and Records Service to see what we have and what we can do - £65.35 per visit.
We may also be able to:
- Deliver continuing professional development to teachers in history and/or geography regarding our sources and our knowledge of various facets of the past - £65.35 per visit.
- Visit schools for sessions using facsimile documents - £65.35 per visit.
However as our resources are limited we need to be able to plan such activities well in advance.
If you would like to discuss your requirements or make an enquiry please email us
To see examples of facsimile packs, which you can download free of charge please click on the links below
Education topic packs
Local studies packs

In 2016 our learning officer and archive staff created an online text-adventure game, using the programme Twine, set during World War II. The game is aimed at 9-12 year olds and is available to play free online here:
Background information on the game project can be found here:
The teacher guide and Twine introductory user guide written as part of the project can be requested from Bedfordshire Archives free of charge.