Little Paradise
Most of the documents in the Quarter Sessions Rolls follow a set pattern and format but there are also odd letters and other items which provide snippets of information about the people and places of Bedfordshire. This month's document is a letter from George Musgrave of Aspley House explaining that he was leaving the ‘little paradise’ of Shillington and would therefore no longer be a justice of the peace for the Quarter Sessions [ref.QSR1839/4/1/25]. George seems quite upset by the move and while his letter tells us something of his family and Shillington it is also a little incoherent. We are pleased to report that Mrs Musgrave seems to have recovered by her remove to London and lived for another twenty years!

Letter from George Musgrave to the Clerk of the Peace postmarked 25 Sept 1839
Aspley House, Shillington,
The time has at length arrived when in consequence of the severe and continued indisposition of Mrs Musgrave I am compelled to bid adieu to the peaceful village of Shillington and take up my abode in London. I confess it grieves me in no slight degree to quit a place which really under my own eye, has in the course of a very few years, become a little paradise. There are many associations connected with the place which under the County dear to me, and I do assure you that I shall often think of the many pleasant hours that we have passed together at the Sessions - notwithstanding the 3 months I passed in Germany, Switzerland & Holland with my son I cannot say that he is restored to health, he still suffers with the pain in his throat - I am so occupied with the removal of the immense collection of pictures, books, furniture &c from hence that there will be no chance of my being at Bedford in October, perhaps you will be so good as to mention my departure from the County by which cause there will be no further occasion to send me a copy of the Acts of Parliament - With every kind wish for your health and happiness
George Musgrave

George Musgrave as he appears in the contemporary Turvey Abbey scrapbook[ref.Slide 805]