6 Stratford Road

6 Stratford Road, March 2010
At a casual glance 6 Stratford Road does not look particularly old because it has been well maintained. However, it was listed by the former Department of Environment in December 1979 as Grade II, of special interest. The department dated the property to the late 17th or early 18th century. It is a timber framed building, refaced in the 19th century in light red, mottled brick. The property comprises one storey and attics under a concrete tile roof.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. Sandy, like most of the county, was assessed in 1927 and the valuer visiting 6 Stratford Road [ref: DV1/C148/84-85] found it owned, like most of Stratford, by Viscount Peel and occupied by market gardener Charles E. Crawley who paid £55 per annum in rent. The 1st Viscount Peel had bought part of the Sandy Manor estate in 1858.
The accommodation comprised two living rooms and a scullery with two bedrooms and a box room in the attics above. Outside stood an earth closet, a washhouse and a barn. The valuer commented: “Nice”.
Immediately south of the house stood the “old and dilapidated” farm buildings. These were included in the rent of the house and comprised: a wood and tiled barn; three wood and tiled sheds; two wood and tiled one stall stables; a wood and tiled two bay open shed and a wood and tiled one bay closed shed with a loft over. Crawley also rented 1.42 acres of arable land adjoining.