Station Cottages Southill

Station Cottages March 2008
Station Cottages were built in the mid 1850s to house staff working on the railway at Southill Station. In 1927 Southill was valued under the 1925 Rating Valuation Act; every piece of land and building in the country was assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. The valuer visiting Station Cottages [DV1/A24/3] noted that they were semi-detached and both were owned, naturally enough, by the London Midland Scottish Railway Company. One was tenanted by L.G.Thompson the other by B.Keep. The two properties were identical, both comprising a living room, kitchen and three bedrooms ("2 of them small") with a barn ad earth closet outside. The valuer commented: "Very good cottages".
Since the closure of the railway in 1962 the cottages have become private dwellings.