Caddington School in 1904
![Caddington School elevation about 1859 [AD3865/9]](/CommunityHistories/Caddington/CaddingtonImages/ad 3865-9elevation_348x181.jpg)
Caddington School elevation about 1859 [AD3865/9]
Bedfordshire County Council became Local Education Authority for the county in 1903, following the Education Act 1902. In 1904 the County Surveyor reported on the condition of all the council and voluntary schools in the county under LEA control, excluding those on Bedford and Luton Boroughs which had their own executive arrangements. The surveyor's report [E/SA2/1/1]] took the form below.
[Total] £181-16-9
[Total] £26-1-6
TOTAL £207-18-3
Caddington School and House (Council)
These are somewhat old, brick and slated buildings
Main Room – 50 feet by 18 feet by 11 feet 6 inches to 18 feet 3 inches, open roof.
Lighted by six windows and eighteen lights.
Ventilated by six pivot lights, gable ventilator, and three wall openings. The inch inlet pipes are useless, as fixed, for Tobin Tubes.
Six Tobin Tubes 6 inches by 3 inches and a sufficient Exhaust Ventilator should be provided.
Warmed by slow combustion stove. N. B. – The stove pipe needs properly passing through wall to prevent escape of smoke. One open fireplace is good.
The walls appear to be very damp; they lack a damp course. This room otherwise is in fair order.
Infants’ Room
This has been built in two heights, the old measuring 18 feet by 15 feet by 12 feet and an extension northward 16 feet 4 inches by 16 feet by 16 feet 7 inches.
Lighted by a three-light sash window (North), and three 2 foot lights (South end).
Ventilated by above windows, the bottom sashes of which should be blocked up 3 inches to admit fresh air past meeting rails of sashes; also by one pivot, one hinged light, and hopper in gable. An Exhaust air pump is necessary.
This room is in fair order.
Lobbies and Cloak Rooms
Boys’ 11 feet 6 inches by 5 feet 9 inches by 8 feet.
Girls’ 11 feet 6 inches by 8 feet by 9 feet.
These are provided with windows, which should be made to open.
No Lavatories are provided. Otherwise these Lobbies are in fair order.
These are common privies (a group of five), also Urinal, Barn, and Store, and another block of two privies.
They are much too near the School windows, and should be converted into earth closets; this can be done. More light and ventilation is also necessary.
The Barn, in the block just named, is used for School Coals.
Drainage of Yard
This is poor, and should be rectified, the yard surfaces and surface gullies adapted, and an overflow provided for the dumb well and surface water. Query an outlet at N. W. corner ditch of playground, or a large rubber soak hole.
These need rectifying and repairing.
Water Supply
The Village Well House is within the fence wall of the Master’s garden.
This has two good living rooms, also Scullery and Pantry. There are two Bedrooms over Living rooms, also a large Bedroom over old portion of Infants’ room.
The following items are necessary: -
Parlour requires a new grate.
Kitchen needs a new cooking range.
Pantry needs more ventilation and light by Porch.
Bedroom over Parlour: - The wall needs repairing and the room cleansing, whitening, and re-papering.
The roof over stairway, also Passage door, and Ceiling, need repairing.
The sink drain should be properly trapped.
The residue is in fair repair.
House Privy
This is very foul; a proper earth Closet should be provided.
Ash Pit
This should be abandoned, and a proper Sanitary Bin provided.
External Repairs and Painting
These are necessary throughout.