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15 High Street

This property was researched by John Thurston


Frontal view of buildings on east side of High Street, including Humphriss & Burgess, opticians  and B.A.Smart, the latter two businesses in the Phoenix Assurance building (no.15), 1974 [PL/PH/7/51]

The original 15 High Street would appear to be an early to mid 18th century building, described in 1833 as “ Timber built, part splint and clay, part lath and plaster” . It survived until 1928 when it was demolished to make way for “Phoenix Chambers” which incorporated both No 15 and No 17 High Street. 

The first known owner of No 15 was Thomas Lilburn, a Tailor and Draper, who was in business from at least 1830 up until 1864.

He was succeeded in 1869 by Charles Frederick Carpenter , a tailor and robe maker who stayed until probably the mid 1870’s .

James Siely, a master hatter, hosier and glover,  then took residence with his family from around 1876 until at least 1881.

The business was then taken over by Frarey and Harris, Hatters, Hosiers, Glovers, and Shirt Makers from 1885 – 1887.

The next owner in 1890 was  Henry Prole, also a Hatter, Hosier, Glover and Shirt Maker. Along with his family he stayed until around 1904.

Fleming Reid and Co , hosiers and scotch wool stores, took over for the next 24 years until 1927 or 1928.

 A 1927 document indicates that Marks and Spencers had agreed to purchase both 15 and 17 High Street and it was subsequently demolished to make way for “Phoenix Chambers”.

By 1930 the Phoenix Assurance had moved into the Premises.

From 1931 onwards right up until at least 1976 the building was sub divided between a host of different companies and organisations which are listed on the Summary below. 

In recent times No 15 has been an Estate Agents (Anderson Reed 2008 – 2009) and a Cosmetic Nail Parlour (Jessica Nails 2014 – 2023).

Summary of Occupiers (No. 15)

1830 – 1864: Thomas Lilburn, Tailor and Draper

1869 – C 1875: Charles Frederick Carpenter, Tailor an Robe Maker

1876 – 1881: James Siely, Hatter and Hosier                         

1885 – 1887: Frarey and Harris, Hatters, Hosiers, Glovers, Shirt Makers

1890 – 1904: Henry Prole, Hatter, Hosier, Glover, Shirt Maker

1907 – 1928: Fleming, Reid and Co Ltd, Hosiers and Scotch Wool Store

1930: Phoenix Assurance Co Ltd &, The London Guarantee and Accident Co Ltd 

1931 – 1976: Phoenix Assurance Co Ltd + the following organisations (No’s 15 - 17):

Summary of Occupiers (No.15-17)

1931: Daymore Ltd, Scotch Wool Store

1931 – 1959: Simon Sanders, (later with R Moore, D S Crawford, G R Lang) Dental Engineers

1931 – 1932: Herbert Thomas Button, Assessor and Collector of Taxes

1931 – 1959: Bedfordshire Agricultural Committee

1932 – 1934: Pack Clothing and Supply Co Ltd

1934 – 1936: River Great Ouse Catchment Board

1936 -  1938: H M Ministry of Transport, Ralph William Butler Lt Col Divisional Road Engineer

1936 – 1976: Deryk Humphriss, (later Humphriss and Burgess) Consulting Opticians

1939 – 1940: H M Post Office Engineering Department

1947 – 1976: Poole and Co (later Poole, Bairstow and Co), Solicitors

1952 – 1959: British Wagon Co Ltd, Wagon Co and Hire Purchase Finance

1961 – 1967: Beds County Council Health Department

1976: Harpur Trust Office

1976: IMV Automotive International Ltd, Caravan Distributors

Summary of Occupiers (No.15) 

2008 – 2009: Anderson Reed, Estate Agent

2014 – 2023:  Jessica Nails, Cosmetic Nail Parlour


See here for a more detailed list of owners and occupiers of 15 High Street