Pegsdon Lodge

Pegsdon Lodge, April 2015
The gates at Pegsdon Lodge are the entrance to Hexton Manor which is in Hertfordshire. The gates were listed by English Heritage in 1985 as Grade II, of special interest. They are mid-19th century. The Lodge, a cottage in mock-Tudor style is not listed.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting Pegsdon Lodge [ref: DV1/C62/66] found that it was owned, like much of this part of the parish, by Sir James Hill and tenanted by Mrs Lawrence to was employed by Sir James. Her accommodation comprised two living rooms, a kitchen, a pantry and washhouse with three bedrooms above. The valuer commented: "Very nice"; another hand noted: "Very nice house but no garden".