Langleys Manor Luton

Wenlock coat of arms
Langleys Manor seems to have had the same history as Picks Manor before the 17th century. It was held by Lord John Wenlock, who changed sides twice during the Wars of the Roses and was killed fighting for Henry VI during the Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471. His estates were forfeited to the Crown (Edward IV) and were given to Thomas Rotherham, then Bishop of Lincoln and later Archbishop of York. The archbishop died in 1500 and his Luton estates passed to his brother John, who died in 1504 and was succeeded by his young son Thomas who died in 1565, probably after acquiring Joan de Mohun's sixth share of the Manor, bringing his ownership to two thirds of the medieval Manor of Luton. His Luton property went to his son George and, on his death in 1600, to his son Sir John Rotherham and Frederick Davis in his History of Luton of 1855 states that it was sold by John Rotherham to Lady Elizabeth Napier for £2,000. 19th century maps show the site of the manor house bounded by today's Park Street West, Castle Street, Union Street and Flowers Way.