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The Red Cow Inn, Langford

The Red Cow Inn: Water End, Langford

The Red Cow Inn was a public house located at Water End, Langford. It was first licensed in 1856 and before that it was a beer shop. In 1873 it was sold by Steeds Brewery of Baldock and bought by Mardell Ousely Seward. In 1875 it was sold to William Nelson and in 1884 it was leased by Whitely and Nelson to E K and H Fordham and sold to Phipps and Co of Northampton in 1889 and they sold it to Wells and Winch in 1926. John Smith was both landlord and wheelwright in 1851. George Stimson was resident in 1872 and 1888 but later that year Jesse Hills was landlord. The police reported that he was always drunk and they opposed him being granted a licence. George Milton took over followed by William Cousins in 1891, then Lennie Roberts and then Alfred Kilby who was landlord through both world wars.

Licencees: note that this is not a complete list and that dates in italics are not necessarily beginning or end dates, merely the first/last date which can be confirmed from sources such as directories and deeds.

1851 – John Smith
1872 - 1888 – George Stimson
1873 – John Stead
1888 – Jesse Hills
1914 - 1940 – Alfred Kilby

List of sources at Bedfordshire Archives: 

  • GK291: Deeds of The Plough and The Red Cow Inn, 1840-1926
  • HF20/78/2: Deeds relating to Nelson, 'Red Cow', Langford, and other property, 1874-1889
  • HF20/233/3: Draft leases, agreements, notice to quit, insurance etc of Red Cow Inn, 1878-1887
  • Hi/O/9/4: Prohibition of waiting: Red Cow, Langford, 1990
  • WG2557: Red Cow pub, Langford, in the occupation of John Stead, 1873
  • X836/10/8: Sales particulars of The Red Cow Inn,1889
  • Z1039/3/3: Deed and covenant for The Plough & The Red Cow Inn, 1928
  • Z1039/13/1: Tenancy agreement of Red Cow Inn, 1914