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Manor of Langford Rectory

Volume II of The Victoria County History for Bedfordshire, published in 1908, gives the histories of each of the three manors in the parish of Langford. 

The origin of the manor of Langford Rectory was a grant made by Simon de Wahull, son of Walter the Fleming and Sybil his wife, of the church of Langford, together with land, a mill and all rights of sac and soc, toll and theam, to the prior of the Knights Hospitallers, which grant was confirmed by King Stephen and others. In 1276 the prior claimed view of frankpledge twice yearly in this manor, and in an extent of the property of the Hospitallers taken in 1338, the value of the church of Langford, with rents and services, was estimated at 20 marks yearly.

At the time of the Dissolution Langford Rectory manor, then valued at £6, became the property of the crown, and for a short time appears to have been granted to the master of the college of Fotheringhay, which, though surrendered to the crown in 1539, was allowed to retain its property till the second year of Edward VI. Elizabeth granted the manor to John Winch in 1574, and in 1616 Humphrey Winch obtained a renewal of the grant. In 1618 he alienated this manor to Daniel Newman, whose family still retained it in 1790. Lysons, writing early in the 19th century, says that by the marriage of Anne daughter of Daniel Newman of Canterbury, to Sir John Fagg, the latter had acquired Langford Rectory manor. It was the property of the late Lord Brampton who died in 1907.

Reference: William Page, A History of the County of Bedfordshire, Vol. II, Parishes: Langford (Victoria County History, 1908)

List of sources at Bedfordshire Archives: 

  • CD695: Deeds relating to Manor of Langford Rectory, 1727
  • CRT130LAN/4: Notes on Langford Rectory estate, 1806-1875
  • HA359-440: Langford and Langford Rectory Manor: Stewards papers, 1749-1823
  • HA366: Accounts, fines and fees for Manor of Langford Rectory, 1810
  • HA1345-1347: Manor court books for Langford Rectory Manor, 1698-1932
  • P99/28/1: Court Roll: Manor of Langford Rectory, 1721
  • WJ239: Manor of Rectory of Langford, 1810
  • WJ242-243: Manor of the Rectory of Langford, 1678-1728
  • X433/4 & 10: Copy admission to property held of the Manor of Langford Rectory, 1855 & 1884