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The Ivy Leaf Club

Located in Station Road, The Ivy Leaf Club was founded on 16th April 1921 to provide a place of entertainment and social recreation. The club was to be a non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit making environment. The building was originally an ex-army hospital that had been transported by horse and cart from Potton. In 1949 the club was used as a first aid point and warden’s post as well as a treatment room for patients of the Mobile Unit [ref: WW2/AR/C2/67 & 69]. In 1971 it boasted about two hundred members and ten years later this had risen to about eight hundred.

List of sources at Bedfordshire Archives: 

  • BTNegPostA5495: John Spencer, snooker player. Ivy Leaf Club, Langford, 1976
  • WW2/AR/C2/67: Use of Langford Ivy Leaf Club as First Aid Point and Wardens' Post, 1940
  • WW2/AR/C2/69: Provision of Ivy Leaf Club, Langford as treatment room for patients of Mobile Unit, 1940