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Langford War Memorial

The memorial was unveiled and dedicated on 7th August 1921. It was erected with the help of subscriptions. It lists 46 names, 35 from the First World War and 11 from the Second World War. The tablet commemorating those of the Second World War was added on 7th November 1948. The memorial is a tower of Portland Stone and in addition to the names of the Men of the Parish who gave their lives in the War it bears the following inscription:

‘Erected by the Parishioners to the Immortal Memory of the Men of Langford, who gave their live for Freedom in the Great War 1914-1918.'

The memorial lists the men by the year in which they died.

List of sources at Bedfordshire Archives: 

  • PCLangford24/1: Minutes of the war memorial committee, 1920-1922
  • PCLangford24/3: Letter from W. Wyrtham pleased that a war memorial is to be erected in Langford, 1920
  • PCLangford24/4: Notes regarding subscriptions for memorial, 1920-1929
  • PCLangford24/5: Notes re. names to be on memorial, 1920-1921
  • PCLangford24/6: Programme for the unveiling, 1921