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Manor of Holme with Langford

Volume II of The Victoria County History for Bedfordshire, published in 1908, gives the histories of each of the three manors in the parish of Langford. 

The manor of Holme with Langford was an appurtenance of Langford manor, and was originally held of the Wahulls by service of a twelfth part of a knight's fee. The first holder of whom mention has been found is Peter de Richmond who, early in the fourteenth century, alienated by fine land held of the Wahulls in Langford to Henry le Scrope. The latter already held other property in Langford of the same overlord, together with land in Holme held of the de Moubrays and Latimers. Margaret, Henry le Scrope's widow, married Hugh Mortimer, and in 1358 Langford is mentioned as part of her dower. In 1398 Richard le Scrope, son of the above Henry, granted all his lands in Holme and Langford to Richard II, who immediately transferred them to the abbey and convent of Westminster, who continued to hold the manor until the dissolution of the monasteries, when it was transferred to the Dean and Chapter of St. Peter, Westminster. The manorial courts were held in their name, but their usual practice was to lease the manor for long periods. Thus in 1571 it was let on a ninety-nine years' lease to Paul Luke, whose interest in 1642 was transferred for £15,000 to Lady Camden, and she in her turn sold the residue of the lease to Sir Erasmus de la Fontaine.

Confiscated under the Commonwealth legislation abolishing deaneries and chapters, the manor of Holme with Langford was leased by the Commissioners to John and James Noel but returned to the Dean and Chapter at the Restoration, and before 1677 Sir Erasmus de la Fontaine had resumed his interrupted lease, and at that date he obtained a renewal till 1698. This manor is still in the possession of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster.

Reference: William Page, A History of the County of Bedfordshire, Vol. II, Parishes: Langford (Victoria County History, 1908)