99 High Street
This property was researched by John Thurston.

99 and 101 High Street (Singer Sewing Machine Ltd; K Shoes), 20 August 1970 [ref: BorBPhH3/145]
The present building dates from the 1860’s when it was built by George Handscombe Miller.Prior to this Thomas Lester , a Lace Dealer, had been operating in the High Street, possibly on this site. Certainly by 1861 he was known to be operating at No.99 and he would stay until at least 1871.
Thomas Lester was a well known Lace Dealer who was celebrated by an Exhibition at the Cecil Higgins Museum from 23rd July – 22nd September 2002 [ref: X1023/6/3]. Bedford Archives also holds many records on Lester, including copy negatives of a portrait of Thomas and a painting of his Lace Shop [ref: BorBK3/253]. He was known to have been residing in St Pauls, Bedford as early as 1818 [ref: PUBZ3/4/19, Folio 39 40].
The building is then occupied by a Grocer, William Wareing, who along with his family would occupy the site for the next 54 years, from 1871 – 1925 (N.B. Contrarily, the 1876 Harrods Directory shows another Grocer, Charles Edward Hopkins, on site).
From 1928 until at least 1976 the site would be subdivided into at least 3/4 units. The occupants included a Laundry, Coal Merchants, Costumiers, Electrical Radio Engineers. A Motor School, A Dentist, Sewing Machine Manufacturers and Employment Agencies.
In latter years from 2008 onwards the site has operated as a Fast Food Takeway.
Summary of Occupiers
1847-1871: Thomas Lester, Lace Dealer
1871- 1925: William Wareing, Charles Wareing and Frank Wareing and families, Grocers
1876: Charles Edward Hopkins, Grocer ?
1928-1950: Swan Model Laundry
1928-1934: Miss Hilda Bains, Costumier
1928-1959: George Davidson Ltd, Coal Merchants
1928-1940: Arthur John Gale, Decorator
1936-1940: Gollings and Ayres Ltd, Electrical and Radio Engineers
1947-1976: Singer Sewing Machines
1947: A Geary (Blunham Ltd), Coal Merchants
1959-1968: Town School of Motoring
1963-1976: Quick Repair Denture Service
1966-1976: Find A Job, Employment Agency
1966: Appointment Aids, Staff Consultants
2008: The Griller, Fast Food
2021: Salt and Pepper, Fast Food
2024: Noodle Stop
For a more detailed list of occpiers of 99 High Street see here.