97 High Street
This property was researched by John Thurston

Ratners Ltd, jewellers 97 High Street, 20 August 1970 [ref: BorBPH3/143]
The buildings which covered No 95-105 High Street were erected early 1860/61 by George Handscombe Miller, a Stonemason and the Mayor of Bedford in 1857.The first occupant of No 97 was Charles Thomas Clark, a Draper, who stayed from 1861 to 1862.
Nicholas Thomas Hewens, an Ironmonger and Agricultural Implements dealer was present from 1864 probably up to 1869.John Richard Bennett, a Woollen Draper, then took over from 1869 until 1871.
From that date onwards the premises became a Chemists for the next 76 years under Henry Carr (1871 – C1876), John Ekins and son Arthur Ekins ( C 1876 – 1906) and James Herbert Lloyd (1906 - 1947 ) .
Around 1949 Stones (Fashions) Ltd, a Costumiers took over with either a resident (or perhaps Manager ?) also on site.In 1959 Ratners Ltd, Jewellers took charge for 12 years, again with residents or managers mentioned in several directories. Briefly in 1968 they also shared the site with the Newnorth Artwork Company, Design and Print Consultants.
In 1973/4 Harlequin Record Stores were the occupants.In more recent times All Ears, Ethic Clothing suppliers, have been resident from at least 2008 up til the present date.

All Ears, 2024
Summary of Occupiers
1860/61: Building erected by George Handscombe Miller, Stonemason
1861 – 1862: Charles Thomas Clark, Draper (N.B. Alfred Allan, a Solicitors Manager, was also present)
1864 – c.1869: Nicholas Thomas Hewens, Ironmonger &Dealer in Agricultural Implements
1869 – 1871: John Richard Bennett, Woollen Draper
1871 – 1876: Henry Carr, Chemist
1876 – 1906: John Ekins, Chemist and son Arthur Ekins, Chemists
1907 – 1947: James Herbert Lloyd, Chemist
1949 – 1957: Stones (Fashions) Ltd, Costumiers
1952: B M Olivestone, resident or manager
1955 – 1957: Mrs E Romain, resident or manageress
1959 – 1971: Ratners Ltd, Jewellers
1959: John Clarke, resident or manager
1963: Harry Stokes, resident or manager
1965: Michael T Diesbeck, resident or manager
1968: The Newnorth Artwork, Design and Print Consultants.
1973 – 1976: Harlequin Record Superstore
2008 – 2024: All Ears, Ethnic Clothing.
For a more detailed list of owners and occupiers of 97 High Street see here