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9 High Street

This property was researched by John Thurston


7 and 9 High Street (Wilds of Bedford Ltd, sports goods; Eastern Electricity Board), 25 April 1968 [ref: BorBPH3/84]

Early records from 1708 indicate that No.9 was one of several messuages in the High Street. The first known occupants were the Brashier family, bakers and confectioners, who were probably operating on the site from 1789/90. John Brashier senior is known from a bond of 1790 and an early entry in Holdens 1810 Directory. His son also, John Brashier, was born in 1789 and is shown on documents and directories from 1816. John’s grandson, also John, continues the business until the late 1870’s. 

By 1881 Emerson Norman, also a confectioner, is living on site. The business under the Norman’s continues until 1930 with the family expanding their remit to become not only Confectioners but also caterers, wine merchants and restauranteers. 

In 1931 Bedford Corporation take over the shop which is renamed “Electricity House” and becomes an Electricity Showroom. In 1952 the Eastern Electricity Board become the owners and stay until at least 1976.

In current times the building has become a fast food outlet run by McDonalds. 

Summary of Occupiers

c.1789 – 1877: John Brashier, son John , grandson John, Confectioners

1881 – 1930: Emerson Norman and Family, Confectioners, Wine Merchants and Restauranteurs

1931 – 1976: Bedford Corporation/Eastern Electricity, Electricity showrooms

Pre 2008 – present: McDonalds, Fast Food Outlet 

See here for a more detailed list of owners and occupiers of 9 High Street

List of sources at Bedfordshire Archives: 

  • X548: Documents deposited by Eastern Electricity Board relating to 9 High Street, Bedford, 1708-1921
  • BorBPH3/84: Negative of 7 and 9 High Street (Wilds of Bedford Ltd, sports goods;  Eastern Electricity Board), 1968