77 High Street
This property was researched by John Thurston

Mor-ray 77 High Street, 2 May 1968 [ref: BorBPH3/128]
A Grade II Listed Building built early in the 19th century (probably circa 1801), No 77 was used as a Drapers Shop for more than 175 years while it also served as Bedford's Post Office from post 1835 until c.1896.
The first know Drapers were John and Benjamin Trapp (probably brothers) who were trading in the town from around 1801 [ref: X435/162-163]. Benjamin is shown on Trade Directories up to 1839 and probably died around 1849. John Trapp and either his similarly named son or nephew then run the business up until 1871. At some period, possibly as late as 1878, it became the Town Post Office with Robert Shanks shown as the Postmaster in 1881. Also in 1878 there is a mention of a Mr H H Herring as having alterations to No 77, though whether he is an occupier or owner is unknown.
From 1885 the premises were subdivided with Alfred Long Field, an Accountant and Dickin Brothers, Tea Wine and Spirit Merchants, sharing the property with the Post Office. In 1890 further occupants included Henry Paul Pacey, a Surveyor and the Inland Revenue, Henry Osborne being the Supervisor. By the time of the 1891 Census both “77 – Post Office” and “77A – Shop” are shown as Unoccupied.This would appear to be only temporary as by 1892 J Daggett was the Postmaster with Alfred Long Field and Dickin Brothers listed again. In 1893 they were joined by the London and County Bank, Arthur Charles Plater, Manager.
From 1894 – 1898 just J.Daggett, the Postmaster and Dickin Brothers remain.By 1901 the Post Office had moved, Dickin Brothers were gone and the sole occupants were now Amies and Son, Shoe and Bootmakers. They would eventually stay until around 1932.
In 1926 the premises were again shared, the Mayfair Tea Rooms, Proprietress Miss Mary Bowstead joining Amies and Son.The proprietress of the Tea Rooms changed several times over the next few years (Miss Mary Florence Bowstead in 1929, Miss A M Palethorpe in 1930, Miss W H Bowskill in 1932) while Miss A.M Palethorpe and W H Palethorpe, an accountant are also shown in 1932.
In 1934 a hosier, Victors Hosiery Ltd, become the sole owners for the next 3 years . In 1938 they are joined by “The Lounge Café” at 77A, Proprietresses Barbara B Dewar and Marion Y Haggo. Further entries for 1939 and 1940 list the same two occupiers.
Post War, in 1947, the premises are again substantially divided, No 77 being occupied by Margents, hosiers who will remain until at least 1976.
No 77A is occupied by a host of different businesses and organisations during the same period, namely :
- Beds County Nursing Association - Nursing Association (1947)
- Mrs G Blakemore, Miss M.G.Blakemore Mrs I V Minnis - Midwives (1947 – 1950)
- Beds County Council Childrens Association – Childrens Association (1949/50)
- Palmer A.C and Co – Chartered Accountants (1957 - 1965
- Norwich Union – Building/Insurance Society (1952 – 1965)
- Apex Employment Agency – Employment Agency (1961 – 1976)
- Bedford Calculating Service – ? Function Unknown (1963 – 1976)
- Bedford Chamber of Commerce – Local Commerce (1966 – 1968)
- English Electric – Electrical Wholesalers (1966 – 1968)
- Mor-Ray (Peterborough) Ltd – Leather Goods (1968)
- Diana A F Hansford, - Milliner (1969 – 1971)
- British Nursing Association – Nursing Association (1969 – 1975)
- K T Fowler – Accountant (1971 – 1975)
Recent Occupants of No 77 include Pizzaland (1988), Norwich and Peterborough Building Society (C 1990 – at least 2008), Maysons (2021).
See here for a more detailed list of owners and occupiers of 77 High Street