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71 High Street

This property was researched by John Thurston

Earliest confirmed occupation occurs in 1830 when Joseph Coleman, a Grocer is trading along with his wife Mary Coleman. When Joseph dies his widow Mary marries John Ambrose Walton in 1837, a Journeyman Grocer who had worked for her late husband. Mary may well have outlived this husband too, as by 1841 she is shown as the head of the household.

By 1847 Thomas Clarke and Sons had taken over the Grocery business and would stay until at least 1864 with his widow Ann then taking over until 1869.

The 1871 Census shows William Henry Elliott as the “Manager of  Grocery Establishment” however confusedly two  Directories in 1871 and 1876 still show Mrs Ann Clark as the Grocer. Possibly Elliott was running the business on behalf of Ann.

71 High Street (corner) - Z1306-10-33-33

Elliott's Stores, c.1905 [ref: Z1306/10/33/33]

Certainly by 1881 William Elliott, Snr and then his son William H Elliott, Jnr are the established Grocers who will run the business until 1911. They sublet with Goodman and Son, Artificial Toothmakers, in 1910.

N.B.There are two single references in the late 1800’s  to a Geisha Café being run on the Upper Floor and a Central Bazaar and Bookbinding Works being present in 1899.

A change of business then occurs when The West End Clothing Co Ltd, Outfitters take charge from 1914 – 1915, sharing with Messrs Goodman, Dentists.

From around 1918 the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd together with  Oswald White, Dentists share the property until 1936.

The building is then demolished and rebuilt in 1937 with Taylor, Brawn and Flood Ltd, Chemists running their business up until 1976.

Latterly Cooper Beard, Estate Agents (C 1990 – 1998), Brook Street, Employment Agency (2008 – 2009), Costcutter Stores (2014 – 2016) and Mercy in Action, Charity Shop (2017 – 2024) have been the occupants

71 High Street - Mercy in Action

71 High Street, Mercy in Action, 2024

Summary of Occupiers

1823/4: Joshua Coleman, Grocer “High Street” a possible unconfirmed forebear of Joseph Coleman

1830 – 1837: Joseph Coleman, Grocer

1837 – 1841: Mary Walton (formerly Coleman) & John Ambrose Walton, Grocers

1847 – 1869 or 1876: Clark(e) Family: Thomas Clark, Thomas Clark and Sons, Ann Clark , Grocers

Late 1800’s: Geisha Café on Upper Floor

1899: Central Bazaar and Bookbinding Works stated as having premises in Mill Street & 71 High Street

1871 – 1911: Elliott Family: William Henry Elliott, Snr, William Henry Elliott, Jnr, Elliot Brothers, Grocers

1914 – 1915: The West End Clothing Co Ltd, Outfitters

1910 & 1914: Goodman & Son /Messrs Goodman, Dentists & Artificial Toothmakers

1918 – 1936: Prudential Assurance Co Ltd

1918 – 1936: Oswald White, Dentists

1937 – 1976: Taylor, Brawn and Flood Ltd, Chemists

1990 – 1998: Cooper Beard, Estate Agents

2008 – 2009: Brook Street, Employment Agency

2014 – 2015: Costcutter, General Stores

2017 – 2024: Mercy in Action, Charity Shop