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65 High Street

This property was researched by John Thurston 

The history of  65 High Street can so far only be traced back to around 1839/41 where Directories and Census Returns show Jacob Anthony, A Chemist and Druggist living there with his family. The building probably dates to around this period and appears to be a typical Victorian building of the time. 

Jacob continued as a Chemist to at least the early 1850’s with the next named occupant being William Gazeley, a Tailor and Woollen draper, and his wife being in residence around 1861/62. Another change of business use occurs around 1869 when James Perfect a “Hairdresser, Perfumier and Fancy Repository” is in residence with his family (including his father William Perfect who was a bookbinder).

Harrods Directory of 1876 shows a Mrs M.Carter as the next resident, a  “Bookseller, Stationer and Berlin Wool Repository”. By 1881 Frederick Thomas Howard is the owner. Shown initially as a stationer, he was also an officer of the “Bedfordshire Standard ” Newspaper which was established in 1883. Frederick is also shown as sharing the property in 1890 with Robert Melvin Fleming, a Dental Surgeon. 

In 1892 Richard Willshaw, a musician, took over the property  to run a Musical Warehouse and was in residence until 1903. In 1904 the premises were again being shared between G Henry Wright, a hatter and hosier and Messrs Goodman, Dentists.

The 1907 Bedford Directory shows the building as being vacant, being taken over briefly by Arthur William Bransom, a baker and confectioner in 1908. From 1908 – 1972/3 the premises would become the High Street Jewellers. Cyril Jago ran this business from 1910- 1924, with James Walker Ltd taking over from 1925 – 1972/3.

From 1973/4 until at least 1986 the proprietors were Wards of Bedford Ltd, Childrens Schoolwear and Scouting Equipment Suppliers. After this time No.65 was used by a succession of Slot Machine Arcade owners including Showboat (2008), Merkur (2022) and Cashino (2023). 

See here for a more detailed list of owners and occupiers of 65 High Street