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28 High Street

This property was researched by John Thurston 

The early history of No 28 is unclear. John Sergeant, a Chemist and Druggist, was certainly present in 1835 right up to at least 1854. However Charles Frederick Timaeus, a printer and Bookseller, was also shown in the area from 1827 until 1847 and was definitely at the address in 1876. The Censuses and Directories from 1861 onwards give a clearer picture. Thomas Mayes, a shoe manufacturer, and family and William Mayes (possibly his brother or father) are present until at least 1871. In that year John Northern, also a boot and shoe manufacturer, and family have taken over. From 1876 the premises are used by Charles Timaeus,  a printer and Newspaper Proprietor (Beds Times and Independant) who sells the same year to Edwin Ransom. In 1881 Thomas John Mulrenan, a shopman in a Boot Shop have taken over. From 1885 – 1890 Pocock Brothers are shown as the owners with Mulrenan the manager. From 1892 until 1910  Pocock continue to run the business with a series of different managers. A change of name occurs in 1911 with Freeman Hardy and Willis, shoe factors, running the business, also under a series if managers, until at least 1976. Currently the site houses the Standard Pub. 

Summary of Occupiers

1827/8  - 1847: ? Charles Frederick Timaeus, Printer and Bookseller

1835 - 1854: John Sergeant, Chemist and Druggist

1861- 1871: Thomas Mayes and William Mayes, Shoe Manufacturers

1871: John Northern, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer

1872 – 1876: Charles Frederick Timaeus, Printer and Newspaper Office

1876 – 1877: Edwin Ransom, Printer and Newspaper Office

1881 – 1890: Thomas Mulrenan, Shopman/Manager Boot and Shoe Manufactuers. Pocock Brothers owners

1892 – 1898: Thomas Edward Rose, Manager Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Pocock Brothers owners

1901 – 1903: Francis James Stafford, Manager Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Pocock Brothers owners

1904 – 1910: W H Jenkins, Manager Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Pocock Brothers owners

1911 – 1922: W H Jenkins, Manager Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Freeman, Hardy and Willis owners

1923 – 1929: Frederick Thomas West, Manager Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Freeman, Hardy and Willis owners

1930 – 1932: Sydney William White, Manager Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Freeman, Hardy and Willis owners

1934 – 1938: Harry Carter, Manager Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Freeman, Hardy and Willis owners

1939 – 1961: J Pearse, Manager Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Freeman, Hardy and Willis owners

1963 – 1976: Freeman, Hardy and Willis owners

? – 2010: Hobgoblin Public House

? - Present: The Standard

See here for a more detailed list of owners and occupiers.