27 High Street
This property was researched by John Thurston

View of east side of High Street, opposite St.Paul's Square, including Harrison Gibsons, house furnishers (no.23/27) on the far right, 1974 [ref: Pl/PH/7/28]
While No.27 is a listed Grade II building dating from the 17th Century, unfortunately no earlier occupation of the site can be found earlier than 1841.At that time it was occupied by Elizabeth Hines, a draper, and her six staff. It would remain a Drapers for the next 36 years, until at least 1876.
The known occupiers during this time, all listed as Linen Drapers, were :
Elizabeth Hines (1841 – 1851)
John Main Priest (1851 – 1862) [The 1861 Census shows John Main Priest and family in both No 27 and No 29 High Street]
Joseph Ca(u)lverwell Brown (1869 – 1871)
For a single year, 1876, the premises are occupied by James Wildman who is described as a Tailor, Outfitter and Hatter.The property then appears to have been unoccupied in 1881, possibly up to 1885/6. It then has a change of business use with Richard Whiffin shown as a Fruiterer in 1887. On his death in 1888 his wife, Ann Whiffin, takes over the business until 1890.
The next occupant, also a fruiterer is Noah King who stays just a year in 1891.From 1892 until 1902 the property is run by Richard W Town, a Clothier, also described as a Hatter and Hosier.From 1903 – 1911 another Clothier, Ezra Braggins, takes over. At various times his shop has the name “Our Girls”, Girls Outfitters. Briefly in 1914 Ambrose Prince, an Auctioneer is listed. From 1915 until 1920 no mention can be found of No 27 in Trade Directories so again is assumed empty.
From 1920 – 1957 George Wells and Co/Wells of Bedford, Cabinet Manufacturers and House Furnishers occupy the property along with No’s 23 and 25 High Street.In 1959 Harrison Gibbins take over the three properties and are similarly described as House Furnishers. They remain until at least 1985.
In more recent times Castlegate Serviced Apartments (2008 – 2023) now occupy the site.
Summary of Occupiers
1841 - 1851: Elizabeth Hines, Drapers
1851 - 1862: John Main Priest, Drapers
1869 - 1871: Joseph Ca(u)lverwell Brown, Drapers
1876: James Wildman, Tailor, Outfitter and Hatter
1887 - 1888: Richard Whiffin, Fruiterer/Greengrocer
1888 - 1891: Ann Whiffin, Fruiterer/Greengrocer
1892 - 1902: Richard W Town, Clothier/Hatter and Hosier
1903 - 1911: Ezra Braggins, Clothier/Girls Outfitters
1914: Ambrose Prince, Auctioneer
1920 - 1957: George Wells and Co/Wells of Bedford, Cabinet Makers/House Furnishers
1959 - 1985: Harrison Gibbins, House Furnishers
2008 - 2023: Castle Gate Apartments
See here for a more detailed list of owners and occupiers of 27 High Street