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26 High Street

This property was researched by John Thurston 

Possibly occupied from as early as 1810/11 by James Webb, a Bookseller and Printer, who remains until at least 1839. [CRT130BED/217]No data has been found between 1841 – 1850 and the premises are probably unoccupied until 1851.In 1853 James Baker, a Saddler and Harness Maker has taken over and remains until at least 1876.

The premises are stated as being (re)built that year as the Bedfordshire Times head office, although Baker is still shown as resident on an 1877 Directory.In 1881 Albert Cranbrook Allen, Manager of the Print Office and Bedfordshire Times, is living on the premises with his family and remains until at least 1885.


View of The Bedfordshire Times and Independent Offices and Pocock Brothers Noted Boot & Shoe Establishment (Nos 26-28) High Street Bedford, west side c.1880 [BP65/52/29].

In 1887 the site is taken over by G.H. Johnson and Co, Grocers and Tea Merchants, who trade under their own name and also as the Consumers Tea Co at various times right up until 1932.The site is next mentioned in 1936 when Meesons Ltd, Confectioners, are trading. They remain until at least 1940.

In 1947 Heard Marjory Ltd, Costumiers, take charge until at least 1955.Maddox Mantles Ltd/Maddox Fashions Ltd,  a Gowns Shop,  are the occupants from 1957  until 1975.

Latterly the premises have operated as a Public House along with No 28 as Hobgoblin (2008 – 2009), The Hob (2012) and The Standard (2014 – 2024). 

Summary of Occupiers

1810/11: James Webb, Bookseller and Printer, first mentioned

1819: James Webb, Bookseller and Printer, customers bill known

1823 – C1839: James Webb, Bookseller and Printer, Directory entries

1853 – 1877: James Baker, Saddler and Harness Maker

1876: Premises apparently rebuilt as the Bedfordshire Times head office

1881 – 1885:  Albert Cranbrook Allen, Manager of the Bedfordshire Times Print Office

1887 – 1932: G H Johnson and Co/Consumers Tea Co/Johnson and Co, Grocers and Tea Merchants

1936 – 1940: Meesons Ltd, Confectioners

1947 – 1955: Heard Marjory, Costumiers

1957 – 1975:  Maddox Mantles Ltd/Maddox Fashions Ltd, Gown Shop

2008 – 2009: Hobgoblin, Public House

2012: The Hob, Public House

2014 – 2024: The Standard, Public House 

See here for a more detailed list of occupiers of 26 High Street