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16 High Street

This property was researched by John Thurston

There are no early references in either Directories or Censuses to No 16 High Street. The 1881 Census states simply “Pulled Down”. The building was rebuilt by 1885 when William Wilkinson, an Accountant and House Agent, is shown living. By 1887 the Bedfordshire Times offices are sharing the premises with him. They are then shown as the sole occupants until 1894. In 1897 Directories show Robert Atkins, a Fruiterer, and Harry Sell, a Fishmonger, as joint occupants. Around 1900 both No 16 and No 18 were demolished.

There is no further mention of the site during the 20th/21st Centuries and the Kiosk Café currently occupies roughly the position where No 16 and No 18 formerly stood. 

Summary of occupiers

1861: Uninhabited

1871: Not mentioned on Census

1881:“Pulled Down”

1885: William Wilkinson, Accountant and House Agent

1887: William Wilkinson, House Agent and Bedfordshire Times Newspaper Office

1890 – 1894: Bedfordshire Times and Independent Newspaper Office

1897 – 1900: Robert Atkins, Fruiterer and Harry Sell, Fishmonger

1900 – 1901:Both No 16 and No 18 have been demolished

1901 – 1976: Site Vacant

2008 – 2024: Site now occupied by Kiosk Cafe

See here for a more detailed list of occupiers of 16 High Street.