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117 High Street

This property was researched by John Thurston.


View of C.Whitlock & Co, general drapers and ladies' outfitters, 117-119 High Street, Bedford c.1905 [Z1306/10/33/74]

The original No 117 High Street was probably erected at some time between 1861 – 1867. The first known occupant was John Boston Harkness, a Hairdresser, who is shown living in the property with his wife and two servants from 1871. He remains until around 1885 when George Gunton, a Draper, takes charge. From this date onwards No. 117 is linked with No.119 High Street.

Around 1890 Charles Whitlock, also a Draper, takes over the business with his two sisters, Kate and Jessie.Charles Whitlock and Co will stay for a further 60 years up until 1950.Stones (Fashions) Ltd, Costumiers, then take over until at least 1961.In 1964 117 and 119 are demolished and become absorbed in the new Midland Bank Premises at 115 High Street. Midland remain until at least the mid 1990’s.

Latterly the site, now registered as No 115 – 117  High Street, has been taken over by Restaurants/Public Houses, firstly Wetherspoons (Weatherspoons – The Bankers Draft, Lloyds No1 Bar) from 2008 – 2015 and then the “Brewhouse and Kitchen” from 2016 – 2024.  

Summary of Occupiers 

1861 – 1867: No 117 High Street Bedford erected

1871 – 1881: John Boston Harkness, Hairdresser

1885 – 1887: George Gunton, Draper and Hosier

1890 – 1950: Charles Whitlock/Charles Whitlock and Co, Drapers

1952 – 1961: Stones (Fashions) Ltd, Costumiers

1964: Building Demolished & absorbed into new Midland Bank Building at No 115 High Street

1964 – Mid 1990’s: Midland Bank Ltd

2008 – 2015: Wetherspoons, Restaurant and Public House

2016 – 2024: Brewhouse and Kitchen, Restaurant and Public House


See here for a more detailed list of owners and occupiers of 117 High Street.