16 Dunstable Road Tilsworth

16 Dunstable Road December 2008
16 Dunstable Road is a typical late 19th century large Bedfordshire cottage; the type of property which almost has the look of a farmhouse. The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 ordered every piece of land and building in the country to be assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. Tilsworth was assessed in 1927 when the valuer visiting 16 Dunstable Road [DV1/C104/62] noted that the owner and occupier was J.Stanbridge.
The valuer also noted that the property was brick and slate and detached and that it comprised two living rooms, a kitchen and scullery downstairs with four bedrooms above. Outside stood a brick and tile barn and earth closet, a trap house and a single stable with a loft over. The valuer commented "Village Type".
The site, like most of Tilsworth, was owned by Tilsworth Manor. In the 1804 Tilsworth Estate sale particulars, it is numbered 48 - a small close of 1 acre 2 roods 15 perches called Hobseys. Rather than forming a part of Yellow Farm, which is next door, it formed a part of Green Farm.