Inventory of Swineshead Church Furniture 1634

Church interior looking east about 1900 [Z50/120/22]
The first Swineshead parish register dating from 1550 to 1712 [P96/1/1] contains an inventiry of church furniture of 1634 on its last page [CRT130Swi1]. The inventory is transcribed below [note the archaic spellings]:

Font September 2008
"July 10 Anno Domini 1634. A note of such things as the Church is now possessed of:
- Fyve bells in goode and sufficient repayre;
- A decent font with a cover upon it;
- A decent pulpit with a cushen upon it;
- A decent seat for reading of prayers;
- A decent communion table with a carpit and a lynen coveringe upon it;
- A decent communion cuppe of sylver with a cover of sylver;
- A decent surples; a regester booke of parchment;
- A chest with locks and keyes, to keepe the register booke in and for the poore;

Parish chest September 2008
- A table of the degrees prohibited for mariage;
- A large bible of the last translation; Two sufficient books of Common prayer;
- Erasmus' Paraphrasis and B.B.Jewel's works of the last edition;
- Two books of homilies authorised and on booke of 12 sermons, authorised by Queen Elsabeth;
- The booke of Canans agreed upon ano. dom. 1603;
- The booke callid God and the Kinge and the book of the defence of the right of Kinges;
- The booke of prayers for the fyft of November;
- The booke of prayers for the High Court of Parliament;
- Dr.Sparke and Mr.Leedon their catachisme;
- Four books of prayer for he times of warre and the visitation of the plauge;
- A forme of thanksgyveing to God for staying the plauge;
- The booke of Articles for the Archbb. visitation.
Per me Thomas Dawson Rector de Swyneshed;
Edward Borne, Beiaminn Shelford churchwardens"

Pulpit September 2008