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Brook Farmhouse Swineshead

Brook Farmhouse May 2008
Brook Farmhouse, May 2008

Brook Farmhouse stands in Riseley Road facing westwards down the High Street. The farmhouse was listed by the former Department of Environment as Grade II, of special interest. The most obvious part, that facing down the High Street, is 19th century, built in red brick with a 20th century tiled roof. Immediately behind this, however, is a 16th century building formed of close-studded timber framing with an old clay tile roof.

In 1927 Swineshead was valued under the terms of the Rating and Valuation Act 1925; every piece of land and building in the country was assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. The valuer visiting Brook Farm [ref: DV1/H52/38] noted that the owner and occupier was Hubert Williams and that the farm comprised 105 acres. The valuer remarked: "Market St.Neots 11 miles. Station Kimbolton 6 miles. Saw Mr.Williams said he had good grass land arable land very wet and bad working"

Brook Farmhouse from the side May 2008
Brook Farmhouse from the side, May 2008

The farmhouse, he noted, "used to be two" (presumably the 16th and 19th century elements were separate at one time) and comprised two reception rooms, a kitchen, a scullery and a dairy with four bedrooms above. Outside were a store barn, a garage and an earth closet. The valuer noted: "water from pump in yard".

The homestead was made up thus:

  • west: a tile corn store with a loft over; a stable for five with a loft over; a brick and corrugated iron coal house and calf pen; two wood and timber loose boxes; a stable for four; a chaff store and two loose boxes and four calf pens;
  • north: a wood and tile barn with a brick floor
  • east: a wood, tile and corrugated iron six bay hovel; a brick, wood and tile store barn with wooden floor and a wood and tile implement shed