Sources for Education in Stagsden

The former Stagsden Lower School, now a village hall, July 2007
The following is a list of sources for education in Stagsden held by Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Records Service
- CRT130STA9: notes on school;
- P40/25/9/20: note of school in Oakley parish records: C19th;
- Z50/107/9: photograph of school: C19th or 20th;
- BY9/3: references to Sunday School supported by Bunyan Meeting: 1863;
- BY9/3: building of new Sunday School supported by Bunyan Meeting: 1866;
- PY16/1/4: new Sunday School buildings supported by Bunyan Meeting: 1885;
- E/SA3/1/2: managers’ and inspector’s reports: 1903;
- CRT180/452: documents relating to Wilks family including teacher’s certificate for Ebenezer Wilks: 1861-1890;
- SDStagsden1: school logbook: 1874-1898;
- SDStagsden2: school logbook: 1898-1917;
- E/TE5/3: details of teachers: 1904-1908;
- E/TE5/4: details of teachers: 1908-1912;
- E/IN1/1: inspector’s reports: 1912-1938;
- Z50/142/89: photograph of school group: 1912;
- Z50/142/90: photograph of school group: 1913;
- SDStagsden3: school logbook: 1920-1949;
- Z1112/3: black and white photo postcard of a StagsdenSchool outing taken at Barton: 1924;
- SDStagsden6: admission register: 1937-1982;
- Z806/3: photograph of class of children, with names: 1948;
- SDStagsden4: school logbook: 1950-1983;
- Z1169/8/68/4: plan of proposed additions to buildings: 1955;
- Z1169/8/68/5: plan of proposed additions to buildings: 1956;
- SDStagsden5: plan of sewage disposal plant to school canteen and of swimming pool (found inside logbooks): 1957-1966;
- CA8/898: school maintenance file: 1965-1983;
- PCStagsden26/1-2: proposal to close school and its acquisition as a Community Centre: 1977-1984;
- E/TE3/4: return of teaching staff: 1981;
- E/SC1/Gen5-6: details of school and proposals for transfer of children on closure: 1981;
- E/SC1/Stag1-2: closure of school: 1982;
- E/SA1/4/4: proposals for Voluntary (Church of England) Infants School to become LowerSchool: 1970