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Community Histories
Aspley Heath
Sources for Education in Aspley Heath
Bedfordshire Archives
Community Histories
Aspley Heath Index of Pages
Aspley Heath Church Architecture
Aspley Heath Church Repairs and Additions
Aspley Heath Index of Pages
Aspley Heath Map of 1885
Aspley Heath Pubs
Aspley Heath School
Aspley Heath School in 1904
Aspley Heath Vicarages
Daneswood hospital
Edgbury Hospital Aspley Heath
Fir Tree Cottage Aspley Heath
Homewood Hospital Aspley Heath
Knoll School Aspley Heath
List of Aspley Heath Vicars
Meadow Springs Aspley Heath
Modern Private Schools in Aspley Heath
Romano-British Aspley Heath
Sandpit Cottage Aspley Heath
Sources for Education in Aspley Heath
The Fir Tree Public House Aspley Heath
The Heath Beerhouse Aspley Heath
The Mount Aspley Heath
The Parish of Aspley Heath in General
The Royal Oak Public House Aspley Heath
Timeline of Events in Aspley Heath
Sources for Researching Aspley Heath
Upper Crust Bakery Aspley Heath
Sources for Education in Aspley Heath
Aspley Heath National/Board/Council/County Primary/Lower School
Pamphlet 130:
Eighty Years of School Life - being Extracts from the Log Books of Woburn Sands National School 1863-1868 and Aspley Heath School 1868-1945;
BHRS Volume 67:
The Bedfordshire Schoolchild in the 19th Century;
SDAspleyHeath1/4: mixed school logbook: 1863-1893;
CRT130Asp2: account for building the school: 1867-1868;
R4/793/1-2: printed rules regarding payment, absence, instruction etc.: 1868;
E/SA3/1/1: tabulated returns of pupils under Factory & Workshop Act 1878
SDAspleyHeath2/4: admission register for mixed school: 1879-1899;
SDAspleyHeath2/1: admission register: 1887-1891;
Z251/14-16: school certificates for 204th standard: 1888-1890;
SB2/9: School Board contribution order regarding children attending from Aspley Guise and Wavendon: 1887-1903;
SDAspleyHeath1/1: infants' school logbook: 1890-1904;
SDAspleyHeath1/5: mixed school logbook: 1893-1909;
SDAspleyHeath2/5: admission register to mixed school: 1899-1910;
Z251/305: postcard album: early C20;
Z251/306-3-5: photographs of school buildings: early C20;
Z251/171: testimonial for Kate Newman: 1903;
SDAspleyHeath2/2: infants' school admission register (includes some London children 1917-1918 - Jewish?)
SDAspleyHeath1/2: infants' school logbook: 1904-1924;
E/TE5/1: details of teachers: 1904-1908;
SDAspleyHeath3/1: punishment book: 1907-1925;
E/TE5/2: details of teachers: 1908-1912;
SDAspleyHeath1/6: mixed school logbook: 1909-1924;
SDAspleyHeath2/6: admission register to mixed school: 1910-1928;
E/IN1/1: Inspectors' reports: 1910-1933;
CTM17/210: mortgage of school premises: 1914;
Z251/304/56-57, 60-61: photographs of children with teachers: 1916;
Z251/426-431: photographs of Miss C.E.M.Newman and pupils and colleagues: 1917;
SDAspleyHeath2/3: infants' school admission register: 1918-1926
SDAspleyHeath2/9: summary attendance register: 1920-1926;
Z251/304/55: photograph of Miss C.E.M.Newman and class: 1920;
SDAspleyHeath5/1: Miscellaneous papers (correspondence, application for recognition, regulations, etc): 1920-1931;
Z251/304/42-43: photographs of staff: 1920s;
Z251/304/54: photograph of headmaster and pupils: 1920s;
Z251/190: testimonial to Miss C.E.Newman: 1922;
SDAspleyHeath1/7: school logbook: 1924-1945;
SDAspleyHeath1/3: school logbook for infants' school: 1924-1926;
Z251/191: agreement to employ Miss C.E.M.Newman as assistant teacher: 1924;
CTM17/79: mortgage of school premises: 1927;
SDAspleyHeath2/7: admission register: 1928-1949;
SDAspleyHeath4/1: needlework sales book: 1933-1938;
Z251/433: photograph of children's parade for coronation: 1937;
Z251/356: letter of thanks on retirement of Miss K.Newman: 1940;
SDAspleyHeath1/8: school logbook: 1945-1971;
SDAspleyHeath2/8: admission register: 1949-1972;
SDAspleyHeath6/1:'Duties of Caretakers and Scavengers' Printed: 1951-1953;
SDAspleyHeath2/4: housecraft sales book: 1955-1958;
CA8/60: building maintenance file: 1965-1971;
SDAspleyHeath6/2: photograph of children playing musical instruments: c.1970;
CA2/638: building file on toilet accommodation: 1971;
CA8/851: building maintenance file: 1972-1984;
E/TE2/2/L2: details of lower school: 1978;
CA15/41: report on developments of old lower school site: 1984
Swallowfield Lower School, Aspley Guise
PY/PH11/1-2: photographs of school under construction: 1980;
E/TE2/2/L78: details of school: 1985;
E/TE3/6: return of teaching staff: 1986;
E/MS3/2/2: kitchen and other details: c.1987;
E/Pu4/4/128: prospectus: 1995
The Knoll
X664/1-13: deeds to property: 1869-1897;
SY130 and 176/18: letters from headmaster E.F.Miller to John Starey about the progress of his son Eric: 1894-1898;
ST130, 176 and 242: correspondence about Eric and Stehpen Starey: 1894-1907;
SY175: letters to John and Grace Starey from their son Eric: 1894-1897;
X395/55: abstract of title to property: 1903;
ST242: school reports of Stephen Starey: 1904-1905;
SY217: letter to Stephen Starey from E.F.Miller: 1907;
Z480/1-115: run of school magazines: 1927-1974;
Z826/4/6: list of distinctions and old boys: 1930s;
P129/0/8: chapel service register: 1957-1974
The Pines
ST1032: sale catalogue: 1889
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