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From Poland in 1837

On 16 August 1837 Joseph Henock now residing in St Paul, Bedford, travelling jeweller, was examined by the Magistrates as to his legal place of settlement:

Examination 1837

I am about 26 years of age, was born as I have been informed and believe at Warsaw in Poland. When 18 years of age I left Warsaw. I came to England in 1832 and went with a man of the name Morris, a jeweller, with whom I learnt my trade. We travelled together about twelvemonth. Since that time I have travelled on my own account. I have occasionally resided at Bedford during the last three or four years. I was married this morning 16th August at the Office of Mr Samuel Wing, Superintendent Registrar situate in the parish of St Mary to my now wife Mary Levi, spinster.[ref.PUBZ3/9/37].

Why is this document at Bedfordshire & Luton Archives?

The archives of the Bedford Poor Law Union include hundreds of settlemet examinations of people who had arrived to live and work in the town. The series ref.PUBZ are books recording the statements made when people were asked about their place of legal settlement. All of these are indexed by name on our online database.