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From Germany 1843

On 28 July 1843 Conrad Huber of St Paul, Bedford, a clockmaker, was examined by the Bedford Magistrates as to his place of settlement:

Conrad Huber 1843


'I am a foreigner and was born at Lenzkirch in the County of Neustadt in the Kingdom of Germany on 1st November 1820 and am the son of Conrad Huber of the town of Neustadt in the County of Neustadt, out of business, and Mary his wife. I now rent a house in Gadsby Street in the parish of St Paul of Mr Barrand at the rent of £10 per annum. I entered upon it at Lady Day last and have the sole occupation thereof. I was married on 25th July instant at the office of the Superintendent Registrar in Potter Street to Sarah Elizabeth Roberts of St Paul, spinster. [ref.PUBZ3/9/122]


Why is this document at Bedfordshire & Luton Archives?

The archives of the Bedford Poor Law Union include hundreds of settlemet examinations of people who had arrived to live and work in the town. The series ref.PUBZ are books recording the statements made when people were asked about their place of legal settlement. All of these are indexed by name on our online database.