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From Denmark in 1811

On 27 July 1811 Charles Christian Sahlmann, residing in St John, Bedford, jeweller, was examined by the Bedford Magistrates as to his legal place of settlement:

From Denmark 1811

'He is about 27 years of age, was born at Holstein in the Kingdom of Denmark. He served an apprenticeship at Petersburgh in the Kingdom of Russia to a jeweller. About five years ago he came to England and he has worked for Philip Liebart of Craven Buildings, Drury Lane, County of Middlesex as a journeyman jeweller ever since. He has not done any act to the best of his knowledge or belief whereby to gain a settlement in England. He was married Thursday 25th at the parish Church of St John to Mary Skevington, spinster.' [ref. PUBZ3/3/28]

Why is this document at Bedfordshire & Luton Archives?

The archives of the Bedford Poor Law Union include hundreds of settlemet examinations of people who had arrived to live and work in the town. The series ref.PUBZ are books recording the statements made when people were asked about their place of legal settlement. All of these are indexed by name on our online database.