1819 Map of the Southern Part of Lake Street

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The map above is part of a larger map published in 1819 by Benjamin Bevan junior [X1/34/1]. In 1821 William Rose of Leighton Buzzard published a reference booklet to accompany the map [X1/34/2]. This booklet gave the owner and occupier of the various buildings and pieces of land on Bevan's map. Below is a transcript of the reference book corresponding to this section of the map, with additions gleaned from Pigot & Company's New Commercial Dictionary for 1823-1824 and other research. Each entry consists of the number, then the name of the owner, then the name of the occupier or occupiers.
Lake Street
East Side
North to South
- modern Dudley Street;
- 357: T.Odell junior; W.Nash;
- 358: T.Odell junior; T.Church;
- 359: T.Odell junior; G.Reeve;
- 360: J.Stevens; J.Tilley;
- 361: T.Goodman; W.Humbles;
- 362: T.Goodman; J.Butcher;
- 363: T.Goodman; W.Franklin;
- 364: T.Goodman; Jane Allen;
- 365: John Roberts; John Roberts [John Roberts was a blacksmith];
- 366: John Roberts; John Roberts;
- 367: Widow G.Claridge; B. and W.Brandon;
- 368: Widow G.Claridge; J.Chamberlain;
- 369: Joseph Nash; Joseph Nash [369 to 373 were later the site of the Victoria Ironworks];
- 370: J.Millard; William Rogers [William Rogers was a baker];
- 371: Widow Birdsey; Widow Birdsey;
- 372: J.Stevens; J.Stevens;
- 373: J.Stevens; H.Wells;
West Side
South to North
- 391: J.MIllard; T.Parsons;
- 392: J.Millard; J.George;
- 393: Mary Pointer; T.Smith;
- 394: W.Hack; W.Hack;
- 395: W.Hack; W.Hack;
- 396: Joshua Hopkins; J.Sinfield;
- 397: Joshua Hopkins; W.Toms;
- 398: Joshua Hopkins; Joshua Hopkins [the Sun public house, 42 Lake Street; Joshua Hopkins was also a butcher];
- the modern Grove Road;
- 399: Mrs.Ashwell; J.Weeks [the site of 40 Lake Street];
- 400: Mrs.Ashwell; D.Nichols;
- 401: Mrs.Ashwell; Mrs.Cooper and John Procter;
- 402: Widow Collins; J.Shelton.