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Medieval Murder in Kempston Hardwick

Volume XLI of the Bedfordshire Historical Records Society publications is a translation, by R.F.Hunnisett, of medieval coroner's rolls for the county  Entry  reads: "After bed-time on 17 June 1270 thieves came to the house of Robert son of Peter of Hardwick in Kempston Hardwick in the Parish of Kempston, broke its west wall and entered. Robert's daughter Juliana saw that they were thieves and immediately went from the house, fled to the town and shouted. The neighbours came in the hue to Robert's house and there found his daughter Christiana lying almost dead and speechless, with 20 wounds in her head, face and back and almost through the middle of her head, apparently [made] with a knife. She died about Vespers on 20 June". The account then notes that Henry Corey of Kempston was arrested and brought to Bedford gaol on suspicion for the death of Christiana daughter of Peter of Hardwick. He later escaped from gaol and had to be recaptured. He was eventually bought to trial, found guilty and hanged.