
Broom Methodist Church 1977 [ref: Z50/106/13]
Broom had a Methodist chapel for twenty six years. It opened on 13th February 1950 [MB901] and closed in 1976. The former chapel formed part of the Biggleswade Circuit and stood at the southern end of the High Street, north west of the road and was in the old Broom County Primary School building, the school having closed in 1948. Clearly there were Methodists in Broom before 1950 and they presumably attended worship in Langford or Biggleswade. A Sunday School was in existence by 1921, presumably in the school building [ref: MB1687]. After the chapel closed it was demolished and housing built on the site.

Site of the Methodist chapel, March 2008
List of sources at Bedfordshire Archives:
- MB897: Trustees' minute book: 1950-1972
- MB898: Register of Broom Methodist Youth Club: 1947-1948
- MB899: Trustees' account book: 1950-1967
- MB900: File of bills relating to the church: 1950-1976
- MB901: Papers relating to the church: 1950-1976
- MB1687: Minute book of Biggleswade Circuit Sunday School Union Council: 1921-1938
- MB2892: Broom baptism register: 1950-1975

Broom Methodist Church 1977 close-up [ref: Z50/106/13]