Romano British Leighton Buzzard

Billington Road Crossing Cottage June 2008
Some evidence of Romano-British settlement from Leighton Buzzard itself is a Roman well [NMR346595] reported by an Assistant Overseer at the Union Workhouse in the 1920s. It was reported to be "north of Billington Crossing". Roman pottery has been found on high ground overlooking the present Tiddenfoot Waterside Park, including human remains, suggesting a small cemetery. A cremation burial in an urn was found at Rackley Hooks by the River Ouzel.

Heath Court June 2008
Other Roman pottery has been found at Chamberlain's Barn as well as just west of All Saints church near the canal. Pottery has also been discovered on what was Leighton Heath, now an area of modern houses around Heath Court; also from Billington Road and Pages Park and from the banks of the River Ouzel. Coins have been found in All Saints churchyard, Leighton Heath and other locations.
All the known Romano-British settlement in the area including Linslade and Heath & Reach seems to have been on the higher ground, often close to springs. Early 20th century antiquarian Frederick G.Gurney, in his notebooks [X325], describes this fact and states that he deliberately field walked lower lying areas but could find no material in these areas.