1819 Map of North End

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The map above is part of a larger map published in 1819 by Benjamin Bevan junior [X1/34/1]. In 1821 William Rose of Leighton Buzzard published a reference booklet to accompany the map [X1/34/2]. This booklet gave the owner and occupier of the various buildings and pieces of land on Bevan's map. Below is a transcript of the reference book corresponding to this section of the map, with additions gleaned from Pigot & Company's New Commercial Dictionary for 1823-1824 and other research. Each entry consists of the number, then the name of the owner, then the name of the occupier or occupiers.
North End
West Side
South to North
- 128: John and Joseph Morris; James Hopkins [the King's Arms; 75 North Street, now a car park]155: W.Summerfield; James Tring [site of 83 North Street];
- 156: W.Summerfield; W.Pratt [site of 85 North Street];
- 157: W.Smith senior; W.Smith junior [site later the White Lion public house, 87 North Street];
- 158: R.Samuel; R.Samuel;
- 159: H.Samuel; C.Chrisp [with 160 the site of 91 and 93 North Street];
- 160: J.Samuel; J.Samuel;
- 161: Widow Samuel; Widow Samuel [site later the Nag's Head public house, 1 Mill Road];
- 162: G.Green; J.Tomes;
- 163: G.Green; W.Claridge;
- 164: G.Green; R.Stratford;
- 165: W.Clare; T.Clare;
- 166: F.Lawley; F.Lawley and others.
East Side
North to South
- 173: Town House; J.Reeve [with 174 the site of 104 to 106 North Street]
- 174: Town House; J.Humbles
- 175: Town House; R.Elkerton [site of 175 to 177 later 92 to 100 North Street];
- 176: Town House; J.Reeve;
- 177: Town House; J.Thorn;
- 181: Town House; T.Holland;
- 180: Town House; Widow George;
- 179: Town House; Joseph Chandler;
- 178: Town House; J.Emerton and J.Eavestaff;
- 201: C.Fox; J.Kempster [201 and 202 the site of 6 and 6a Saint Andrew's Street];
- 202: C.Fox; T.Adams and J.Higbid;
- 205: Town House: W.Page;
- 206: Town House: T.Shepherd [206 to 214 the site of 82 to 90a North Street];
- 207: Town House: R.Church;
- 208: Town House: F.Walker;
- 209: Town House: H.Humbles;
- 210: Town House: J.Vicars;
- 211: Town House: J.Stratford;
- 212: Town House: James Smith;
- 213: Town House: T.Geaves;
- 214: Town House: B.Sear.
Workhouse Lane
North Side
East to West
- 154: P.Steward; David Claridge [he was a baker];
- 153: P.Steward; T.Church;
- 152: S.Reeve; R.Church;
- 151: S.Reeve; T.Hack;
- 150: S.Reeve; T.Wells;
- 149: James Dimmock; E.Gibbins and J.Adkins;
- 148: T.Kent; Joseph Chandler;
- 147: J.Cox; G.Henley;
- 146: T.Chew; J.Eavestaff;
- 145: W.Loke; W.Loke and J.Hopkins;
- 144: J.Sanders junior; W.Stratford;
- 143: J.Sanders junior; J.Read;
- 142: J.Sanders junior; J.Chamberlain;
- 141: J.Sanders junior; J.Rowe;
- 140: J.Sanders junior; J.Rowe (a barn);
- 139: J.Sanders junior; E.Pratt;
- 138: J.Sanders junior; J.Gibbins;
- 137: Widow Pratt; Widow Pratt;
- 136: Town House; J.Clever;
- 135: Town House; T.Elkerton and Mary Forth;
- 134: Leighton parish; Work-house
South Side
West to East
- 133: E.Pratt; E.Pratt (now a car park);
- 132: J.Adams; J.Adams (now a car park);
- 131: R.Samuel; R.Samuel and Joseph Kempster (now a car park);
- 129: G.Rickard; G.Rickard and W.Thomson (now a car park);
- 130: G.Rickard; Elizabeth Tring and George Reeve (now a car park)