Health and Welfare Records
Throughout our lives, a variety of records are created about our wellbeing and, if required, the care and help that we need. Many of these records are subject to embargoes because they contain personal and sensitive information about individuals and therefore they are not necessarily available to the general public so these pages will tell you what we hold and what the rules are about accessing certain types of records.
We do hold some hospital records, asylum records, poor law (workhouse) records and in our Modern Records (or Records Management) department we hold some social service records. We don't hold individual medical records for patients, whether for a GP's surgery or a hospital. Those will be retained by the NHS until the time (in accordance with regulations) that they can be destroyed.
Below are some links showing what we hold and what the rules are on access.
Access to Medical and Care Records
Hospital Records Part One
Hospital Records Part Two
Hospital Records Part Three
Poor Law Records pre-1834
Poor Law Union Records
Poor Law Union Records 1834-1930
Provident and Friendly Societies