Sources for Education in Cotton End

Cotton End Lower School sign April 2011
The following list gives all the sources relating to education in Cotton End held by Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Records Service. Due to the terms of the Data Protection Act records containing personal details of living individuals will be closed in total, or in part, depending on the nature of the information.
- Bedfordshire Times: letting of a cottage lately used as a school: 14 Oct 1848;
- SB14/10: Eastcotts School Board minute book: 1873-1890;
- SB14/1: Eastcotts School Board financial staments: 1874-1903;
- SB14/2: Eastcotts School Board register of mortgages: 1874-1903;
- SB14/4: Eastcotts School Board cash book: 1874-1903;
- SB14/6: Eastcotts School Board bye-laws: 1874;
- SDEastcotts1: school logbook: 1874-1898;
- CCE/SB14/1: conveyance of the school site from Samuel Charles Whitbread to Eastcotts School Board: 1875;
- CCE/SB14/2: mortgage - Eastcotts School Board to the Public Works Loan Committee: 1875;
- SB14/8: receipt for £300 received from the Public Works Loan Committee: 1875;
- SB14/9: receipt for ££489 received from the Public Works Loan Committee: 1875;
- HiBB2/2: permission sought to stack bricks on the roadside for building a new school: 1875;
- SB14/11: Eastcotts School Board minute book: 1890-1903;
- SB14/12: Eastcotts School Board financial statements volume: 1892-1898;
- SDEastcotts2: school logbook: 1898-1914;
- SB14/5: Report of Eastcotts School Board to Bedfordshire County Council: 1903;
- E/TE5/1: details of teachers: 1904-1908;
- E/TE5/2: details of teachers: 1908-1912;
- E/IN1/1: inspector’s reports on the school: 1911-1937;
- SDEastcotts3: school logbook: 1914-1927;
- SDEastcotts4: school logbook: 1927-1971;
- E/IN1/2: inspector’s reports on the school: 1952-1962;
- CA8/852: building maintenance file: 1957-1983;
- CA8/449: building maintenance file: 1962-1978;
- CA2/660: file regarding a possible replacement lower school: 1974-1977;
- CA10/42: file on re-roofing: 1981;
- E/TE3/4: return of teaching staff: 1981;
- E/TE23L20-21: details of CottonEndLowerSchool: 1983-1987;
- E/TE2/2/L/69: details of the school: 1985;
- PCEastcotts26/1: appointment of a governor by Eastcotts and Cardington Parish Councils: 1985;
- E/TE3/7: return of teaching staff: 1986;
- CC/HS3/2/1: safety of steps: 1987
- E/MS3/2/3: details of the kitchen: c. 1987;
- E/Pu4/4/220: school prospectus: 1995.